Tuesday, July 7, 2015

King Charles I-A Little Off the Top Please

19 November 1600 – 30 January 1649
Charles was a sickly child and was only able to join his family in England after some time in foster care in Scotland.  His older brother Henry died at 18 so Charles became the heir.  From the beginning, Charles pursued Catholic marriages in Spain and France.  Fianlly he married a French Catholic princess creating suspicion of his motives in the newly Protestant nation.  He did not do enough to Support the Protestants in the Thirty Years War, and was constantly searching for funds from Parliament that rarely came in sufficient amounts to keep Ireland in check or to support warfare in Europe.  Finally tired of fighting Parliament for funds and over his royal prerogatives in governing the country, Charles dismissed Parliament, plunging the country into Civil war.  Charles was eventually captured by Protestant Parliamentary forces, tried for Treason and was executed.  This ushered in the Commonwealth headed by Oliver Cromwell till the return of Charles' son, Charles II. 
Notice there is no head on this coin...do you think that is significant?
This 1625- 1649 copper farthing was $37.00

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